Public Writing

  • New York Times: "Fathers Gained Family Time in the Pandemic. Many Don't Want to Give it Back"

  • Gender News: "Poisoning as Revenge for Intimate Violence Against Enslaved Women"

  • El Español: "'De Tal Padre, Tal Hija,’ O Cómo Un Migrante Latino en Estados Unidos Cría a una Feminista Chicana"

  • Gender News: "Mothers' Emotions are Central to Kids' Diets"

  • New York Times: "Which of these 4 Family Policies Deserves Top Priority"

  • Gender News: "Understanding the Social, Political, and Legal History of the Anti-Abortion Movement"

  • Gender News: "Q&A with Postdoctoral Fellow Fatima Suarez"

Invited Talks and Presentations


“The Meanings of Latino Fatherhoods”

I present on my conversations with 60 Latino fathers in California about what fatherhood means to them and what significance it plays in their lives. In contrast to widespread academic information about Latino men and fathers, my work suggests, family relationships, histories, and past traumas shape Latino men’s experiences of fatherhood, thus dispelling the notion of the Latino father as a unitary subject. I speak about my research and the possible implications of the data for Latina/o/e Studies and for society as a whole. This talk is part of the colloquium series at the School for Advanced Research.